Details about 870241

[Details about: 870241]

State Code: 870
Area Code: 870241
State: Arkansas
City: Roe, AR
Provider: Centurytel Central Arkansas DBA Centurylink
County: Monroe
Type: Landline

More Details about Area Code

Arkansas Area Codes 479 501 870
Roe Zipcode: 72134
Roe Latitude: 34.6147
Roe Longitude: -91.3674
Roe Fake Number: 8702419292

Random Fake Person in 870241 Area

Fullname: Steven B Wagner
Title: Mr.(Gender: male)
Street: 2891 Arlington Avenue
City: Roe, AR, Arkansas
Zipcode: 72134
Username: Heved1966
Password: nuXuthi8wo
Telephone: 870-241-8068
Birthday: 2/2/1966
Creat Card Type: MasterCard
Creat Card Number: 5334286248714280
CVV2: 467
Creat Card Expires: 6/2019
National Identification No.: 430-35-2859
Occupation: Signal and track switch repairer
Company: The Lawn Guru
Vehicle: 1994 Volkswagen Golf
Blood Type: AB+
Weight: 220.2 pounds(100.1 kg)
Height: 5′ 7″(169 cm)